Bic Soleil

Kirsten Miccoli for Bic Soleil's "Happy Feet: Why I Shave" Campaign

Recently we got to pair up artist Kristen Miccoli with Cramer Krasselt in Chicago to work on the the Bic Soleil "Happy Feet: Why I Shave" social campaign, aimed at real "modern" women who are proud of their reasons for shaving their legs and want to show them off to the world.  Kirsten and her team of stylists pulled together multiple sets all showcasing both the whimsy and the real-life situations that today's modern woman might find herself in.  The result is a colorful display of sassy gals all telling their story of why baring their smooth legs is important to them.  Attached here are some of the stills from the campaign and we will feature the animations soon! 

Kudos to Kirsten and Team for another job well done!