instagram influencer philip edsel

A Look at Influencer Philip Edsel's Groundbreaking Instagram Novel

In 2013, I combined my love for photography and writing into a project aimed at creating a community of writers on Instagram, called #captionsbywriters. I wrote a series of short prose entries inspired by the images I would post.

Then in 2014, in honor of National Novel Writing Month (November), I decided to be a little more ambitious and write the first ever Instagram novel. It was a photographic novel consisting of 30 original images and chapters, written and post each day. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but luckily, it ended up being a project I'm super proud of, and one that gained a lot of attention. To read the novel, entitled #TheValleyOfAshes, you can either search the hashtag or the hashtag #myinstagramnovel, or just follow me @edsel and scroll down to my first title post which you can see below.

Here are a few of the posts! (And here is Instagram's feature on me.)